Welcome to Student Accessibility Services
The Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) works in partnership with Clark faculty, staff, and students to ensure that all aspects of student life are accessible, equitable, and inclusive of individuals with disabilities.
SAS engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case basis. Depending on the nature and functional limitations of a student’s documented disability, they may be eligible for reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
We encourage students who are interested in learning about our support services to read the information on these pages. If you have specific questions, we encourage you to contact us via phone (1-508-798-4368) or email (accessibilityservices@mblayst.com).
If you are a Clark student, or a prospective student, and are experiencing an access barrier when trying to read the information on these pages, please contact us by phone at 1-508-798-4368 or email us.
Please submit a report of concern to Clark if you are experiencing any institutional barriers such as inoperable accessible door paddles/buttons, inaccessible pathways, etc.
Students New to SAS: Register with Student Accessibility Services
Step One: Submit an Online Application.
To register, first complete and submit an Application for Accommodations. Inadequate and/or incomplete answers may delay the eligibility review process. Please contact SAS if you are having any trouble accessing the form. Email: accessibilityservices@mblayst.com
Phone: 1-508-798-4368
Fax: +1-508-793-8877
Step Two: Submit Documentation
Students requesting reasonable accommodations must submit documentation of a disability to verify eligibility. Students need to submit documentation regarding the diagnosis/diagnoses that demonstrates a disability covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended (2008).
Please review our Documentation Guidelines for additional information. All documentation is kept confidential.
Additional forms of documentation may include:
• A letter from a qualified medical professional
• Psychological evaluation(s)
• Psychoeducational evaluation(s) with standardized test scores
• A physician’s medical records, etc.
Step Three: Schedule an intake.
Once the Application for Accommodations has been submitted online, you will be notified by email to schedule an intake to discuss accommodations, procedures, and services. The intake will typically last about 30 minutes where we will discuss your lived experiences with disability and how they may impact you academically and/or in your residential life.
Step Four: Log In to Accommodate
After the intake, students will receive a Student Registration Notice regarding their accommodation requests and registration status. This letter will also contain steps on how to request your accommodations through Accommodate. Once registered, students log in to Accommodate to submit semester requests to send accommodation letters to instructors each semester. Students must communicate with each instructor to discuss the arrangements for receiving accommodations. In addition, accommodations are not retroactive, and instructors do not have to provide accommodations to students if they have not been informed of the need for accommodations by SAS.